Floods in Slovenia

Last week GeoCodis also observed the severe flooding that affected Slovenia. In our application Water, where are you? (vodakje.si), which uses a radar satellite to detect and display water areas, we observed various flooded areas. Photos and screenshots show flooded Gradiško jezero (Sveta Trojica in Slovenske gorice) and floods along the river Krka (Dobrava near…

Africa Day

At the end of April, the Africa Day 12th International Conference was held in Brdo pri Kranje under the title “Africa and Europe: Climate Security for the Future – Global Challenges, Local Actions”. In the panel “Smart business solutions for ecological security”, the company GeoCodis presented its work in various African countries. We also used…

GeoCodis Business Meeting 2023

In April, we met with business colleagues, partners and customers for the traditional GeoCodis Business Meeting, which took place in Šobec. We presented our latest projects, discussed and made plans for the future. The event was enriched by a lecture of the great alpinist Andrej Štremfelj.

Business trip to Gorenjska

At the beginning of April 2023, we went on a business trip to Gorenjska to discuss current and future projects in a stimulating natural environment. We also took this opportunity to show a part of our beautiful Slovenia to three foreign students who are interning at GeoCodis as part of the Erasmus+ program. Josue and…

Egypt 2023

At the beginning of February, we had a business visit to Egypt, where we started a new project: Development of GIS Location Finder Module for Urban Upgrading Areas in Egypt. A large part of Cairo is informally built-up, without basic infrastructure and without consideration of urban planning guidelines. The goal of the project is to…