‘Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation in South-eastern Europe’ Conference

The conference ‘Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation in South-eastern Europe’ wrapped up successfully in Brdo, Slovenia. From February 5th to 6th, leading decision-makers, experts, and international organization representatives gathered to tackle our region’s environmental challenges. GeoCodis showcased its projects focusing on drought management, water conservation, and innovative smart irrigation systems – crucial technologies for our…

8th CASSINI hackaton

Dr. Andraž Bežek, a member of our team, participated as a mentor in the 8th CASSINI Hackathon. He was impressed by the enthusiasm, innovation, and positive energy of the teams. The event was inspiring and important, as it established numerous friendly and business contacts. More about the event on: • https://www.startup.si/sl-si/cassini-hackathon-2024 • https://www.instagram.com/startupslovenia/ • https://www.linkedin.com/company/start-up-slovenia-initiative/posts/?feedView=all


At the end of September, we visited ESRIN, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Earth Observation Center in Frascati, Italy. We had two key reasons for this business trip. The first was the final presentation of the SDA4Wetlands project, where we presented the results of testing various algorithms for detecting and monitoring wetlands using satellite imagery.…