In July, GeoCodis embarked on a business trip to Uganda, highlighted by productive activities and enriching experiences. The visit featured a mix of strategic discussions on current and future projects.
The most important aspect of the visit was the implementation of the “Design, Development, and Installation of a Satellite Driven Earth Observation System for Upgrading the Existing Utility Performance Monitoring Information System (UPMIS)” project and its associated training sessions in Kampala and Lira. This project is part of the cooperation between Uganda and the Slovenian Centre for International Cooperation and Development (CMSR), which financed it.
During our trip, our team also managed the necessary paperwork for our branch in Uganda. Furthermore, during our business trip, we had a very successful final meeting for the ESA project SDA4Wetlands. The visit underscored GeoCodis’ positive impact and recognition by local communities and authorities.