Apr112019news Business meeting and the 5th anniversary of GeoCodi began with presentations of the company’s novelties and achievements and it ended with breakfast, debating and socializing Category: newsBy upravnik01April 11, 2019 Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Author: upravnik01 Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:LAND AND POVERTY CONFERENCE 2019NextNext post:KENYA JUNE 2019Related posts‘Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation in South-eastern Europe’ ConferenceFebruary 10, 2025Data Base Training in UgandaJanuary 31, 2025Slovenia a full member of the European Space AgencyJanuary 20, 20258th CASSINI hackatonNovember 26, 2024ESRIN (ESA)October 10, 2024Uganda July 2024August 5, 2024